A downloadable game for Windows

Conquer rival peacocks in your quest for glory, and use the concentrated power of feathers reaped from fallen foes to tip the odds in your favor!

This is a small and unpolished tactics game made in about 10 days for Bigmode Game Jam 2025.

It plays well with a controller, but you can use a keyboard too!

Bottom Face Button ("A")
XSelect / Confirm
Right Face Button ("B")
ZBack / Cancel
Left Face Button ("X")
D-pad / Left Stick
Arrow Keys


The abilities system is based on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Your birds can each wear one hat and equip one item. When the right combination of hat and item is equipped, an ability can be learned! There is a variety of abilities and hat/item combinations. I hope you enjoy them.


Different Hats give different stat bonuses when your characters level up! Abilities scale with different stats, so choose your hats wisely!


Progress is saved whenever you visit the main menu. Saves are stored at Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\ Godot\app_userdata\markopolodev - Bigmode Jam 2025 - Beaks of Power

Known Issues

  • The AI is very bad.
  • Steel Barb heals birds for twice as much as it should
  • Retaliate triggers when it shouldn't:
    • when taking damage from another bird with retaliate
    • might also trigger on damage over time effects like Fry and Bleed
  • Band screen has some issues: ghost versions of items/hats/abilities sometimes appear
  • Band screen doesn't update bird visual when equipping a new hat. If you return to the main menu and then restart the game, it will update. I think it's just a visual bug, seems like stat changes on level up still use the correct stats.
  • Hitting "Cancel" in the main menu closes the game.


Beaks of Power - Windows 67 MB

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